DIY 3D Three-Dimensional Laser Scanner Adapter Plate for Ciclop
  • DIY 3D Three-Dimensional Laser Scanner Adapter Plate for Ciclop
  • DIY 3D Three-Dimensional Laser Scanner Adapter Plate for Ciclop
  • DIY 3D Three-Dimensional Laser Scanner Adapter Plate for Ciclop
  • DIY 3D Three-Dimensional Laser Scanner Adapter Plate for Ciclop
  • DIY 3D Three-Dimensional Laser Scanner Adapter Plate for Ciclop

DIY 3D Three-Dimensional Laser Scanner Adapter Plate for Ciclop

  • SKU: 23008
  (9996 Pieces available)
  • Description
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-Clopop is a desktop 3D scanner that does not match the industry standard scanner and is not suitable for scanning irregularly complex objects. It only scans an approximately cylindrical object for better results, with many factors affecting the scanning. Like scanned objects, environment and light. They have a lot to do with each other, so we recommend that you scan at Heng Kwang Studio for better results
- Molded plastic parts have a smoother surface -
You do not need to repair it compared to printed plastic parts
- More durable than plastic parts
- Easier to install
- You can fix the circuit board to the plastic part

Package Included:
1 * Arduinos uno controller
1 * ZUM scan expansion board
1 * A4988 stepper driver chip
1 * 720 HD camera
2 * laser
1 * 42 stepper motor
1 * 16014 bearing
1 * 12V 2A adapter
1 * 200mm acrylic chassis
1 * 200mm non-slip mat
1 * acrylic calibration board
1 * standard stickers
1 * black wound tape
6 * mat
2 * M8 * 400mm screws
4 * M8 * 170mm screws
1 * M8 * 292mm screws
10 * M3 * 10 screws
10 * M3 nut
3 * M8 * 10mm screws
28 * M8 nut
18 * M8 washer

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