Bluetooth Zigbee Simulator Cc-debugger, 2540, 2541, 2530 Protocol Analysis
  • Bluetooth Zigbee Simulator Cc-debugger, 2540, 2541, 2530 Protocol Analysis
  • Bluetooth Zigbee Simulator Cc-debugger, 2540, 2541, 2530 Protocol Analysis

Bluetooth Zigbee Simulator Cc-debugger, 2540, 2541, 2530 Protocol Analysis

  • SKU: 16G005
  (10000 Pieces available)
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Support Software: SmartRF Studio, SmartRF Flash Programmer, IEEE Address Programmer, PacketSniffer, PurePathWireless, IAR for more than 8051 versions including 8.10 using the new Z-stack stack! Operating System Support: WINXP, WIN7 The CC-Debugger supports the following chip list updates: The CC-Debugger can be used to program and repeat the following 8051 system chips from Texas: Directives: CC1120; CC1111; CC2430; CC2431; CC2510; CC2511; CC2530; CC2531; CC2533; CC2540; CC2541; CC2543; CC2544; CC2545. In addition, CC-Debugger can control the following transceivers in SmartRF Studio: CC1120; CC1121; CC1125; CC1175; CC1100; CC1101; CC110L; CC113L; CC115L; CC2500; CC2520. It can also be used to program Purepath wireless devices: CC8520, CC8521, CC8530, CC8531.

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