ATTINY13 AVR Development Board
  • ATTINY13 AVR Development Board
  • ATTINY13 AVR Development Board
  • ATTINY13 AVR Development Board
  • ATTINY13 AVR Development Board
  • ATTINY13 AVR Development Board

ATTINY13 AVR Development Board

  • SKU: 40175
  • Shipping Weight: 8.7g
  (9757 Pieces available)
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ATTINY13 AVR Development Board
ATTiny13 is a low-power 8-bit CMOS microcontroller based on an enhanced AVR RISC structure. Due to its advanced instruction set and single clock cycle instruction execution time, ATTiny13 has a data throughput rate of up to 1 MIPS/MHz, which can alleviate the contradiction between system power consumption and processing speed.
1. SCM chip: ATtiny13A;
2. MiniUSB interface or pin power supply;
3. All IO ports are led out and marked;
4. Onboard ISP interface;
5. Reliable reset circuit
Convert the TTL level signal into a USB signal and transmit it through the USB interface. These characteristics make this module suitable for various development projects, such as communicating with computers, interconnecting with other devices, etc.


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